Individual Counseling For Life Transitions

We All Need Support Sometimes.

Single Parenting, Dating in Midlife, Life Transitions, Single in Midlife.

Life is a journey of changes, and there’s no denying that it can be overwhelming. But here at Acadia Psychotherapy, we want to help you make sense of it all. Our one-on-one sessions are designed to guide you through the ups and downs that come with transient life changes. By listening attentively, we aim to create a safe space for you to grow into your full potential.

Life Changes
This can sometimes be exciting but also very overwhelming. Undergoing this personal transformation usually implies huge restructuring in various aspects of life. We offer counseling for life changes to support your understanding and give you more confidence in those critical times. No matter whether you are beginning a new job, your children are leaving the nest, or you are going through other major life events, we will support you and accompany you to see those changes as opportunities.

Dating in Midlife

Dating in midlife - it’s a beast of its own. I don’t care if you’re stepping back into the dating world after being in a long-term relationship or dealing with some other big life-altering change. No matter what, our one-on-one midlife dating counseling will give you the guidance and support you need. Trust us, we’ll help each other out here. By digging deep and working together, we’ll figure out what you really want, clear up any doubts or insecurities, and equip you with an arsenal of tools to find love in this new chapter — all while facing the dating scene with confidence. So let us lend a hand as you search for that special someone, and fulfill yourself along the way.

Help After Your Divorce
Separating from your partner can be a draining and life-changing thing. Our Post Divorced Counseling services will help you through this transition. We provide a safe space where you can rediscover yourself, heal from the past, and build towards your future. Side by side, we’ll navigate the raging sea of emotions that accompanies this process and find healthy strategies to cope with them. You’ll come out on the other side feeling empowered and ready to take on life after divorce.

Navigating Single Life

To be single is one thing, but to be a single parent? This is an altogether different ballgame. These are unique experiences and some challenges that others will never get. Now, don't let that discourage you. Also, these situations come with opportunities for personal growth! Knowing this too well is our counseling practice, which is why we provide individualized services for single parents. Your counseling should not be as good as other parents’ because no two parents have the same experience. We will help you step by step so that you can navigate the demands of being a single parent while fostering healthy relationships with your children and yourself at the same time . Our objective is to guide you through life’s crazy journey without getting too mixed up in it all. Together, we shall build an unbreakable strength so that when you leave from here, you will feel like nothing can ever happen to you again!

The therapy we provide at Acadia Psychotherapy is fully inclusive and highly personalized. Our services reflect the understanding that everyone takes a different path in life such as counseling, therapy or even being present for simply listening purposes. We will be there with you every step of the way as you seek guidance through major life transitions, struggle with mental health issues or just need someone to talk to. It can feel overwhelming taking the first step towards seeking help but don’t worry because we are not alone. 

“No mud, no lotus.” – Thich Nhat Hanh