Therapy for Therapists


Graduate Students & Other Professionals

You’re smart.

You’re successful.

You’ve done everything right, but something feels off.

On the outside, everything looks perfect. You've excelled in your career, invested in your education, and made the sacrifices necessary to reach your goals. However, deep down, you can't shake the feeling of being overwhelmed and unfulfilled. It shouldn't be this way, and you're not alone in experiencing these emotions…

Therapy for Graduate Students | McKinney, Texas

Stress and Burnout for Professionals and Counseling Graduate Students

In the demanding field of counseling and therapy, stress and burnout are common challenges for both professionals and graduate students. Balancing coursework, clinical hours, and personal responsibilities can feel overwhelming, leading to exhaustion and a sense of disconnect from one's own well-being. Recognizing the signs of burnout and taking proactive steps to address stress are essential for maintaining long-term health and fulfillment in both personal and professional life.

Therapy Tailored to Therapists & Graduate Students & Other Professionals

I get it, being a professional or counseling graduate student has its own set of obstacles. Finding that balance between your work and personal life can be difficult, not to mention taking care of yourself on top of all that. Don’t worry. I’m here to help you with any challenges you might have, as well as reduce the stress that comes with it. Trust me, you’ll find harmony in no time

Invest in Your Well-Being

You've never settled for anything less than the best in your career, and your personal life should be no exception. By investing in therapy, you're investing in your well-being and success. Therapy offers a safe space to explore your challenges, gain insight into your patterns and behaviors, and develop effective coping strategies to thrive both personally and professionally.

Take the First Step

Stop procrastinating, and take the first step toward achieving work-life balance and rediscovering harmony in your life. Schedule a consultation with Elizabeth and embark on a journey towards greater fulfillment and well-being.

Learn More About Stress, Burnout & Compassion Fatigue Next

Signs of Stress:

Stress is a natural response. It’s our body’s way of reacting to danger or demanding events. A little stress can go a long way, and in many cases, it can motivate us to act. However, too much stress can be bad for your mental and physical health. Everyone reacts differently to stress, but here are some of the most common signs:

Physical symptoms: headaches, muscle tension, fatigue, and issues with digestion.

Emotional symptoms: being irritable, feeling anxious, or overwhelmed.

Cognitive symptoms: thinking too quickly and having trouble concentrating or remembering things.

Behavioral symptoms: changing your sleeping or eating patterns, no longer wanting to see friends, or increased use of substances like alcohol or tobacco.

Signs of Burnout:

Burnout happens when you’ve been stressed for so long that you’re exhausted mentally, emotionally, and physically. It’s most commonly seen in people who work hard without taking time for themselves. If this goes on untreated, it could lead to serious mental health issues.

Here are some signs of burnout:

  • Feeling cynical about your work

  • Being less motivated at work

  • Having physical symptoms like chronic fatigue, headaches, etc

  • Trouble focusing

  • Emotional numbness

Compassion Fatigue:

Also called secondary traumatic stress, compassion fatigue is what happens when a caregiver or helper starts to physically and emotionally drain after having repeated exposure to the trauma their clients experience. If you feel like you're constantly empathizing with someone else's suffering without giving yourself the self care that you need, then it might be time to ask for some help. Take a look at this list of signs and see if any of these hit home:

Here are some signs:

  • Losing empathy towards clients

  • Feeling like all hope is lost

  • Nightmares or intrusive thoughts after speaking with clients

  • Physical pain such as headaches muscle tension, etc

  • Decreased happiness towards work

Understanding these signs is crucial for everyone If they want to tackle stress, burnout, compassion fatigue and make their own happiness a priority.

Stress and burnout are not signs of weakness, but reminders that even the strongest of us need time to rest, recharge, and prioritize self-care.